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Summer Scheme 2024

We are sorry but we have decided that we are not running a Summer Scheme at Shaw’s Bridge this year due to family commitments

Book Online

Book online to pre pay & reserve your timeslot for Summer Scheme 2024.

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Call us

Pre pay & reserve your timeslot, contact John in the office.

Tel: 077 4901 1283

Safety is our main priority

Children will be placed into groups on the first morning of the Summer Scheme being of the same age and with friends, estimated group size 10-12 with 2 MTA staff.  Each group will be assigned to a member of staff that will stay with and manage the group for the whole week. A second member of staff will manage the daily activity and will be responsible for cleaning down all the equipment before and after use by participants; giving a Staff Ratio of 1:5/1:6 for safety.

You’ll appreciate that a 6-year-old will have different capabilities of a 15-year-old.  To manage the ages within groups we will aim to have no more than 3 years between the youngest and the oldest.

Gazebos will be available for changing on a daily basis before and after any wet activities so participants will need a large towel for changing.

Everyday participants will do both a wet and dry activity. A draft activity plan will be available on day one of each week. This may have to be changed as the week goes on due to the weather conditions.

Mobile Team Adventure has a duty of care for each young person, our staff and the general public.

Please can you help us by following the safety procedures that we have put into place to help protect everyone.  Please can you explain to your child before attendance this procedure and why.

When booking online you will be asked several questions including emergency contact information. You will receive an auto response with this year’s Summer Scheme procedure for daily registration and kit list etc.

We’re really glad to be back.

Activities Include:

Canoeing, kayaking at Shaw’s Bridge, Orienteering, Sport-4-All, River Tubing, Adventure Walks, Slippery Slope, Bushcraft and Stand Up Paddle Boarding SUP.

Planned activities may change each week depending upon the weather, the river conditions and or group ability.

The week will include a good variety of activities, at Shaw’s Bridge.

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